Myofascial Release and Pancakes

ball under sacrum myofascial stretch method

I'm writing this on Sunday which in our house means pancake day:-)

This tradition started with me and my daughter, Emma, but I have continued it well into the Emma is away at college phase and now even into the phase called Emma loves California and isn't coming home anytime soon:-) (Cali IS so lovely:-)

Do I want chocolate chip pancakes or blueberry...or lemon, lavender, pecan, AND blueberry pancakes? This weekly tradition warms my heart and brings me joy and I get to chat with Emma and share my pancake flavor of the week. If I skip a week I'm ok but I do feel like something is missing... a subtle little tug that makes me sure to pancake it up the next week. 

It's the bits of self-care that add up to a full heart and happy body. I'm sure you get the gist and all but this is what weekly myofascial in my world means to me.


Giving attention to your body (aka fascia), even if you're not hurting, is that bit of self-care that keeps it all humming along and in sync with your beautiful life.


 So here's your Myofascial Stretch of the Week. Enjoy and soak up this little bit of self-care...Reclaim your Body:-)


Fascia is the Way!



P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Learn More Here