Sign Up for my FREE Five Day Journey 

Get one video a day for five days to give you the insights, tools, and techniques to help you RECLAIM YOUR BODY AFTER BREAST CANCER !

FREE Beloved Five Day Journey!


Sign Up and get one video a day for five days demonstrating specific tools, insights, and techniques that are easy to implement in your busy day.


Built From Over Twenty Years of Helping Women Go

From Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust!


Here's What You'll Learn!

  • Get out of Anxiety while Regaining Vitality with Breathwork: Anyone holding your breath out there? Bringing awareness to your breath can help you release tension, soften your mind, and rewire your nervous system. Healing from the ground up!
  • Relieve Pain and Tightness with My Beloved Scar Release - Watch a video as I show you the exact method I use in my clinic that you can do at home.
  • Soften Pain and Tightness Without Injury with Compression - Learn this specific Myofascial Stretch Method to gently ease the tightness in your ribcage
  • Reconnect, get back in your body, and reduce anxiety with my own method I call Mapping - Get comfy and relax as I guide you through this embodiment meditation.
  • Anchor Your Wins and Celebrate - Learn the importance of whooping it up for all the things, big and small. How can you celebrate completing this 5-day journey? How does celebrating allow you to feel different about your journey? 


Imagine Feeling More Like You Again!