Dear Beloved,

I see you with your lingering pain and tightness and those waves of anxiety as you worry that every lump, bump, or zinger is your cancer coming back. Got the all-clear from your Doc and now you're on your own? What now? 

You've tried it all and have maybe even resolved to... "this is as good as it gets." Cancer-free, exhausted and wondering how soon you'll start to feel like yourself again. 

Notice the GAP?

The GAP between breast cancer and your new favorite self.

Feeling Tight, Painful, Swollen, Tender, Twisted, Numb, Disconnected, Isolated, and Scared is not the door prize you expected to come with recovery, and we believe you shouldn't have to take it home with you. 

No, Bob...we will not be looking behind Door #2. But thanks. 

On top of that, we believe that voice inside of you saying "I don't have to settle for this crap" is 100% right. And so do the breast cancer survivors who found the same gap…the gap between their final visit with the doctor and the rest of their life.


Remember the beauty of taking a deep breath without that straight jacket around your chest?


A Healthy Bust is a Must (Not a Perk)



Your cancer story doesn’t have to end with a pink t-shirt and the diagnosis that you now have lymphedema (which you didn't even know how to spell prior to that appointment). 

All you need is a guide and you too can learn how to decrease pain and tightness, gain peace of mind, and fill in the GAP between breast cancer and your new favorite self.

Your scars can soften and pale

Your skin can stretch and move freely

Pain can fade and fall away


What would it be like to get back to the gym?


What if you woke up in the morning and instead of that “tired but wired” feeling you actually felt rested?


Waited in line at the grocery store and you didn’t dread and contemplate the “c” word once?




With twenty years of experience, working with women recovering from breast cancer, I found the most common question asked over the years is: "How come no one showed me how to do any of these techniques?" along with the statement, "I wish I would have found you sooner." 


 You don't get aftercare in a healthcare system that doesn't provide or focus on aftercare. The frustration is real and it only makes sense that you need more support. From working with women for the last twenty-three years, I created this course to provide the aftercare you have been looking for and deserve. From breast cancer to beloved bust will help you decrease pain and tightness, gain peace of mind, and get to know your new favorite self!


What Does This Six Week Course Include?


Watch a new video each week as I show you all the ins and outs of helping you and your body recover after all of those breast cancer surgeries and treatments. Learn how to support your nervous system with Somatic healing practices and ways to work with the tough parts of recovery like intimacy after breast cancer, creating boundaries, and finding your YES to life after breast cancer!

14 Video Demonstrations

New videos are released every week where I demonstrate the exact techniques I use in my clinic to relieve scars and adhesions so you can decrease that lingering pain and tightness. The videos highlight different types of surgeries and scars with live models who are on their own recovery journey from breast cancer.

Myofascial Stretch Method

Learn the different self-care techniques from my very own work, Myofascial Stretch Method! Created from my 23 years of experience, these gentle and effective techniques create the long-term relief you're looking for.

Worksheets and Body Journal

Learn about your body, gain insights on how the body heals, and how to reconnect with yourself after the trauma of having breast cancer. Reconnect with your body after breast cancer!

Private Facebook Group

BONUS Facebook Group with me and all the other Beloveds in the course for deeper connection as well as answer any questions you might have


Lifetime access coincide with the lifetime of Beloved Bust

"I highly recommend Beloved Bust to anyone recovering from a mastectomy and wanting to feel good in their body again. Her expertise in the area of healing after breast cancer is unmatched and definitely missing from the usual aftercare for breast cancer survivors."

Jan Pellman
St. Louis, Missouri


 Six-Week Online Course - $250

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:


  • SIX Videos of me teaching the week's lesson.
  • SIX Different Modules released as one module per week for six of the seven weeks
  • Fourteen Video Lessons demonstrating the various therapy techniques with LIVE models
  • BELOVED Body Journal and Worksheets to support you along the way
  • BONUS Facebook Group with me and all the other Beloveds who have taken the course for deeper connection and unique group experience and to answer any questions




  • Bonus 1 -Tit Kit - including your Beloved Ball and Noodle (Props used during our course), mailed right to your house (United States)
  • Bonus 2 - Extra Myofascial Stretch Method video class (sixty minutes) designed to help you Reclaim Your Body After Breast Cancer 

Amazing and Unique Opportunity for Insights, Technique Demos with Live Models, and the Support you've been looking for.  From Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust is the missing link!


Sign up today so you can Decrease Pain and Tightness, Gain Peace of Mind, and BRIDGE the GAP between breast cancer and your new favorite self!




"Melissa is extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and caring. I don't know of anyone else with her expertise in the area of healing after breast cancer.  I highly recommend Melissa to anyone recovering from a mastectomy and wanting to feel good in their body again.  I'm so grateful for all her help to free me from pain."

- Judy - Breast Cancer Survivor



  • Having residual pain and tightness from your breast cancer surgeries and treatments 
  • Feeling disconnected and not comfortable with this new normal that everyone keeps talking about
  • You're scared and anxious that your breast cancer will come back or it’s metastasized even though your latest scans were clear
  • You have lymphedema, scar tissue, and adhesions, from surgeries and/or radiation
  • You feel pressure from friends and your partner to get back to normal
  • You have trouble looking at yourself and your body let alone touching your scars, implants, or chest in general 
  • You start to get back to the gym and do more activity but you keep getting setbacks because of pain and injuries
  • You are having trouble with intimacy with your partner or feeling sexual at all since your surgery 
  • You’ve been to Physical therapy and Lymphatic drainage but you still have pain and tightness or it always seems to come back


This is for the woman who is ready to get to know and feel her body. She wants to know that she is doing everything she can to not only recover, but reclaim her body after breast cancer. She knows there is more to recovery and is ready to find her new favorite self.


  • You want to learn about your body and how to work on yourself so you can feel empowered and truly heal after having breast cancer
  • You feel a little dumped after being cleared from breast cancer and you wish there was more emphasis on the aftermath
  • You’re ready to transition from fear & shame & overwhelm and step fully into Reclaiming your Body and Your Life after breast cancer


"Melissa was able to help me get back to doing the workouts and active lifestyle I love. Her therapy helped me by increasing my movement while decreasing my pain. Her course, teaching me stretches and exercises helped me to get back to doing what I love!"  - Andrea 


Like many other women, you might have already been through Physical Therapy and are still feeling stuck. Maybe you've tried EVERYTHING and nothing has helped. This is because the typical therapist is not taught to address the cause of the symptoms...the fascia. Though well-meaning, it's one thing to talk about fascia but another to know how to effectively treat it. This is the key to decreasing pain and tightness, softening your scars and adhesions, and reducing symptoms of lymphedema. 




From Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust is the ONLY program of its kind that gives the insights and specific hands-on therapy techniques you need to work on yourself and your scars so that you can get out of pain and get back to doing what you love! 



SIX WEEK COURSE comes with Lifetime Access (Lifetime of Beloved Bust)

"I came to Beloved Bust after a double mastectomy and reconstruction.  I had pain around my implants and very little movement in my left shoulder.  I had already tried physical therapy and massage. After working with Melissa and her team I can now move my shoulder and arm significantly more and I don't feel as restricted in my chest.  Her therapy helped my movement and decrease my pain.  I can now do the stretches and exercises on my own and continue to get back to doing what I love. I'm so grateful to be free from pain."

Tanya Mayer, St Louis Mo



What do I get with my online course, Reclaim Your Body After Breast Cancer?


 Here is My Course Promise 

In this course, you will go from feeling exhausted and alone as you wrestle with the emotional and physical crash that comes after breast cancer to experiencing peace of mind as you learn how to decrease pain and tightness, reconnect and reclaim your body, and fill in the GAP between breast cancer and your new favorite self. 

Myofascial Therapist, Women's Life Coach, Workshop Leader, Event Speaker, and John F Barnes Myofascial Release Instructor for Women's Health.

I am a certified Life Coach and have completed inclusivity and trauma-informed coach training.
 I was given the designation of “Expert Level” MFR therapist by John F. Barnes in 2011 and I am a current member of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals and a graduate of Myotherapy College of Utah, in 1999.
For twenty-three years I have been helping women get out of pain.
For twenty-three years I have been teaching women how to be advocates for themselves within the healthcare system and the world around them. 

Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns

The medical community does a great job at getting you cancer-free. They have a system in place to get you out of the danger zone. On the therapy side of things, often therapists have one protocol to treat all breast cancer patients the same. The old-school method of massaging the surface or painful scar tissue mobilization is painful and doesn't last. What you will be learning here is about fascia and therapy techniques that involve gentle, sustained pressure that changes tightness and density like ice into water. 

From Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust also addresses the part of you that thrives with life after breast cancer.

This is the GAP...From Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust gives you the tools, insights, and the community to help you not only reclaim and reconnect with your body but to heal your whole self and thrive!

It's natural to want to just get back to your life like it was before. Even your friends and loved ones can seem like they would just rather you get on with life already.  All heart, but it's been long enough, hasn't it?

Pain, tightness, and fatigue do not have to be your new normal. Anxiety, depression, and dread do not have to be the starting point for your new every day

From Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust will help you integrate your experience of having breast cancer and step into your whole self without glossing over it.

Reconnecting to your body and your experience will open the door to a newfound sense of wholeness and health, empowering you and the other beloved women in our community to weave your experience into your new favorite self.


It's not too late! I have seen women get great changes twenty-five years after their last reconstruction surgery! The techniques that you're going to learn in this course are addressing your lingering symptoms in a whole new wayFrom Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust online course is not just to give you pain relief for the day or reduce your lymphedema that just builds up again in the same week. We are changing the state of your tissue like ice into water. Imagine going about your day without that nagging pain and tightness.  You're ready and it's time, Beloved.

Myofascial Release is a buzz word and used quite liberally around the wellness community. What you will learn in this course is based on the John F. Barnes Method of Myofascial Release. Gentle, sustained pressure that addresses the multiple dimensions of the fascial system. Most others are doing a version of soft tissue mobilization. That doesn't actually change the fascia. For twenty years, I have seen the profound and lasting effects of these techniques. I'm so excited for you to feel the difference!

I get it! You are busy... maybe even home-schooling kids right now while you balance work as you shelter in place. When is there ever a good time?  You, like many women, may often put others before yourselves, even before your own health and wellness. For the next six weeks of this course, give yourself one hour a week to watch the videos and practice what you're change your life. You deserve to take the time for yourself! It's time to Reclaim Your Body!


  • Bonus 1 -Tit Kit - including your Beloved Ball and Noodle (Props used during our course), mailed right to your house (United States) Value - Priceless:-)
  •  Bonus 2 - Extra Myofascial Stretch Method video class (sixty minutes) designed to help you go From Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust 
  • SIX different modules released as one module per week for six of the seven weeks
  • FOURTEEN pre-recorded video lessons, demonstrating the various therapy techniques with LIVE models
  • BELOVED Body Journal and Worksheets to support you along the way
  • BONUS Facebook Group with me and all the other Beloveds in the course for all the love and support you need to get the most out of your course!  
Over the last 20 years of being a therapist, I've found that there are three major components that have to be in place for your to reclaim your body after breast cancer.
  • Insights 
  • Tools & Techniques
  • Transformation


Get a clear understanding of your body. Learn about what you are feeling under those scars as well as how your body heals so that the techniques you learn will be that much more effective. It's one thing to work on a scar but another to know what's happening and what you are feeling!

Module Highlights:

We are unlocking the mysteries of fascia! Neglected in most therapies and essential to healing.

  • Lesson 1 -  Know Your body
  • Lesson 2 - Understand Your Defenses
  • Lesson 3 - Create a Bridge



Learn the first therapy technique; compression. Watch videos with live models to master specific techniques for your body and begin to decrease that residual pain and tightness.

Module Highlights:

All hands on deck! Here is where you learn your first technique...

  • Lesson 1 - Become the Therapist
  • Lesson 2 -Technique Time - Compression 
  • Lesson 3 - Myofascial Stretch Method - Compression Style!



Learn the next therapy technique; elongation.  Watch videos with live models to master specific techniques for your body and begin to melt your pain and tightness away.

Module Highlights:

Here's where we add elongation to the mix. Expand and open those tight, bandy restrictions and take of that straight-jacket once and for all!

  • Lesson 1 - Master Your Technique
  • Lesson 2 - Technique Time - Elongation Style
  • Lesson 3 - Myofascial Stretch Method - Elongation Style



Learn specific techniques that address more than just the surface. Decrease pain and tightness and get back to doing what you love!

Module Highlights:

Hooray for therapy that you don't have to leave the house for! Watch the pre-recorded videos of me demonstrating on live models with different types of breast surgeries. Add the worksheets and you are ready to Reclaim Your Body!

  • Lesson 1 - Insights and Essentials of Scar Release
  • Lesson 2 - Scar Release - Technique Time 
  • Lesson 3 - Myofascial Stretch Method - Scar Release Style
  • Bonus Video - Self-Treatment Demo
  • Bonus Video- Technique Review

Week 5 - Myofascial Stretch Method™

Get your guide to a series of techniques that include stretching and compression for decreased pain, increased energy levels, and more movement in your every day. Foam roller, therapy balls; a whole new world of self-care!  

Module Highlights:

We work with the body, allowing the tightness to soften with time and not force. Get out of pain and back to doing what you love!

Lesson 1 - Insights and Essentials of Myofascial Stretch Method

Lesson 2 - Full Body Reset

Lesson 3 - Myofascial Stretch Method - Flow


Week 6 - Transformation - Long-Term Change For Lasting Results

My own self-developed method to get back that mind-body connection. Create your inner witness and get your nervous system back on board to healing. 

Module Highlights:

Getting a true understanding of your body, your patterns, and your tightness as it is unique to you. This work is so profoundly effective as you become your own therapist and can truly heal.

Decrease pain and tightness, gain peace of mind, and fill in the GAP between breast cancer and your new favorite self!

Lesson 1 - Map Your Body 

Lesson 2 - Discover your Patterns

Lesson 3 - Reclaim Your Body

Bridge the GAP Between Breast Cancer and Your NEW favorite self. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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